I turn from golf for a moment.
The Republican House refusing to increase the debt limit is not holding a gun to President Biden’s head. It’s holding a gun to the nation’s head. Your head.
If you live a congressional district with a Republican representative, write and urge your congressman/woman to vote in favor of increasing the debt limit and thereby avoid an economic nightmare. Thank you.
I’m begging on bended knee, with tears in my eyes, please do not interject politics into an interesting, informative golf site. It’s your site and you are free to post whatever you like, but I urge you to keep “The Recreational Golfer” all golf, all the time.
At what point does it stop. We cannot continue to spend like a drunken sailor.
Just my two cents which I do have to spend.
It appears you have confused the two branches of Congress. The House has passed a bill to increase the debt limit. The Senate has not.
To the three readers who commented above, thank you for your opinions. I will not respond to them here, because that would set up endless debates that would not change anyone’s mind, and yes, this is a golf blog.
My golf blog.
The Recreational Golfer is my portal to the world that the Internet has provided me. It is Social Media Lite. I my case, very light, since this is one of very few non-golf posts since the blog’s inception in 2009.
There does come a time in the course of events when something needs to be said. Now is one of those times, in my opinion. Come another, don’t be surprised.
In the meantime, play well and have fun.
You are absolutely correct. The republicans have no interest other than humiliating Biden. They have no interest in the debt. Why else did they raise the limit during Trump’s administration, where he ballooned the deficit with irresponsible tax cuts? Please.