The Hands Lead the Clubhead – V

Because I regard the hands leading the clubhead through impact as the #1 technical fundamental, I am constantly looking for ways to make it easier to do. This is my latest attempt. It involves trust.

Very simply put, when I begin my forward swing, I maintain the angle in my wrists so it feels that while my hands are moving forward, the clubhead is staying behind and I trust that it will get there by itself at the right time.

Don’t worry about that angle. It will undo itself just fine and at the right time if you stay out of its way.

That’s it. Move the hands and trust. Take myself, what I’m doing, out of the equation.

I have discovered that when I try to make my hands lead the clubhead in some way, it might work for a while, but then I start thinking about how I am doing it and it all falls apart.

Swing the hands forward and trust. Remove the pressure that arises by trying to make something happen and turn it into trusting that it will happen.

I hope this all makes sense.

One thought on “The Hands Lead the Clubhead – V”

  1. Great advice. I find that the concept of “trust” is applicable to putting, chipping and all full swings. Unfortunately, very difficult to apply

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