When you stand over the ball thinking about those little things you need to do to hit a good shot, it’s not because you haven’t hit enough golf balls to make your swing automatic. It’s because you haven’t installed your swing into your mind.
There a lots of little things that go into a golf swing. It’s not a natural movement. But all those little things add up to just one thing–a golf swing. That is how you have to approach it.
You need to be able to visualize your swing not as one bit after another, but as just one free-flowing movement that proceeds by itself once you get it started.
Can you do that? If you notice even one part your swing, something you consider to be important, you’re not there yet.
The thing to do is to sit down, close your eyes if you want to, and imagine yourself swinging a golf club. Do this over and over until you visualize only what it feels like to swing, not what you are doing when you swing.
Do that over and over. You can’t do it too often. You can make it daily practice. Many-times-a-day practice.
You know how when you go to the range and the first shot you hit is pure gold, because you didn’t think about it, you just did it? And then you start thinking about it and it’s a lot more work from there to get results that aren’t as good?
The mental practice that I’m suggesting is how to hit that first shot all the time. How to stay out of your own way.